Puma Conserve

Puma Conserve - Artichokes Whole w/Stem in Olive Oil 520g


Premium quality whole artichokes with long stems "Alla Romana" preserved in Olive Oil.


Puma Conserve range presents numerous preparations of these delicious artichokes. 

Puglia is the driest region in Italy and as such its climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers, and mild winters. The few rivers of the region are found on the Tavoliere delle Puglia. This enormous low-lying plain is one of the most agriculturally productive plains in the country. In winter, it occasionally floods, whilst droughts are common in summer. This climate provides the perfect conditions for cultivation of eggplants, artichokes and onions. It is little surprise that these are three of Puglia’s most prized delicacies. Each thrives in full sun, and well-drained, sandy soil.

Serving Suggestions: These artichokes are perfect on an antipasto platter. Artichokes represent spring on the quattro stagioni (four seasons), and as such are used on this type of pizza. The uses for artichokes are limited only by your imagination. Try them in a salad or in your favourite panini.


  • Premium quality Pugliese artichokes with stems attached
  • Hand picked, sorted and bottled.
  • Preserved in Olive Oil. No artificial additives.