
Ferron - Carnaroli Rice 4kg Catering Pack


Ferron Carnaroli is the first choice of many Italian chefs for cooking the perfect risotto. This is because it tends to retain its texture and not over-cook easily. It is the ideal rice to use with ingredients that tend to release a lot of fluid such as seafood, tomatoes and mushrooms. It is also perfect for rice salads. Cooking time is 14 to 15 minutes for ‘al dente’.


Ferron Carnaroli super-fine rice is slightly longer and thinner than Vialone Nano. It has a slightly nutty flavour. Carnaroli rice is resistant to over-cooking. It also has a high amylose content much like Vialone Nano (23.9% for Vialone and 24.1% for Carnaroli). This relatively high amylose content gives Carnaroli the admirable quality of a allowing a significant window between cooked and overcooked risotto.

Of all the varieties grown in Italy, Carnaroli is the most difficult to grow and process. Ferron Carnaroli rice is cultivated by the rice growers of Isola della Scala using the same traditional and organic methods as the Vialone Nano. 

All Ferron rice is cultivated according to organic, sustainable practices and there is no use of pesticides or herbicides.  In accordance with traditional farming practices, fields are routinely left fallow.  In non-planting years, corn and medicinal herbs are cultivated to replenish the soil with nutrients. Water from pure and unpolluted underground springs encourages pristine crop growth. The canals running through the rice paddies are full of carp which control pests in a delicate and naturally maintained ecosystem. 

Carnaroli is the perfect rice for seafood risotto because the rice will not over-cook when the extra fluid is added. It is also excellent when serving risi in brodo, or rice in soup.


  • Superior texture and flavour
  • Low % of broken grains
  • Pesticide free cultivation
  • Wholesome herbaceous/nutty flavour